Hat Tipper Series

A hat tip is a simple way to express respect, recognition, or gratitude. Through this series, we tip our hat’s to the hundreds of people who have poured out their lives to bring you these out-of-the-ordinary coffees.

From origin, variety, harvesting techniques, processing methods, tasting notes, to all the people along the way these coffees bring adventure to an everyday routine.

They are all interesting and delightful in their own unique way, but they share one common trait; they taste amazing. They push the boundaries of how we think coffee should taste and make us question our assumptions. Most importantly, they are produced by forward-thinking farmers working to make the best product they can.

We buy smaller quantities of these offerings so we can keep them fresh and seasonal. Plus, farmers will generally offer β€œHat Tipper” type coffees in smaller lots because they assume a lot of risk in dedicating portions of their crop to experimental production. Generally, we try to buy these wild coffees from producers, co-ops, or importers we’ve worked with before. Farmers need to sell their entire crop every year, not just a small portion so we buy from the same sources year in and year out.

Come alongside us, help us experiment, create new ideas, and make the world a better place.